Thrusting the Throne

December 08, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Saturday was an interesting day as the Michiana Rocketry club gathered in a field in Three Oaks for a day of model rocket launching. The highlight was the firing of a full sized porta-potty mounted on rocket engines. Weather was chilly but it cleared up enough for a good launch and the crowd loved it. Gotta love these unusual assignments. PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHMembers of the Michiana Rocketry prep a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, mounted on rocket motors for launching, Saturday, December 6, 2014, from a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHMembers of the Michiana Rocketry prep a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, mounted on rocket motors for launching, Saturday, December 6, 2014, from a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHMembers of the Michiana Rocketry prep a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, mounted on rocket motors for launching, Saturday, December 6, 2014, from a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHMembers of the Michiana Rocketry launch a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, mounted on rocket motors, Saturday, December 6, 2014, from a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHMembers of the Michiana Rocketry launch a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, mounted on rocket motors, Saturday, December 6, 2014, from a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHParachutes slow down the descent of a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, mounted on rocket motors, Saturday, December 6, 2014, during rocket launches by Michiana Rocketry in a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHParachutes slow down the descent of a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, mounted on rocket motors, Saturday, December 6, 2014, during rocket launches by Michiana Rocketry in a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHJust inches away from a vehicle, spectators photograph the landing of a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, launched on rocket motors, Saturday, December 6, 2014, by Michiana Rocketry from a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell) PORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHPORTA-POTTY ROCKET LAUNCHJust inches away from a vehicle, spectators photograph the landing of a 10-foot, 450 pound porta-potty, launched on rocket motors, Saturday, December 6, 2014, by Michiana Rocketry from a field in Three Oaks, Mich.(AP Photo/The Herald-Palladium, Don Campbell)


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